AGes 2 - 5 Years


Our Preschool Program

Gan Malibu offers small classes with individualized attention and encourages open-ended exploration between the children and our school environment. Our program promotes your child’s intellectual, social, physical, and emotional growth. We first get to know your child as an individual and partner with you to create a supportive, nourishing, and challenging curriculum. Through observation and documentation, we create an environment that both challenges and encourages deeper thinking and inquisitiveness. Long-term projects enable deep understanding, expanded thought processes and reflective thinking. We present materials through clear intention with your child's perspective in mind.

Up to graduation, your child will flourish in our school community, and upon graduation, your child will then grow outward into our Southern California neighborhoods.

Our Preschool Schedule Flow

The class follows a general schedule flow, though we also personalize the schedule in a way that works for each child.  Our learning environment consists of an indoor classroom,outdoor classroom and play yard.  Each area is set up to maximize learning potential through hands-on exploration.  By setting up provocations,children can independently choose areas of interest.

Sign in and free choice time
Morning meeting with all friends
(open rescission about the day)
Independent play and small group work 
Story time 
Snack time 
Outdoor classroom and playground time 
Reflection meeting on mornings exploration
Morning students leave / story time 
Rest time 
Quiet indoor focused play / academic learning for our pre-k children
Aftercare program 

All Families welcome!

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